Monday, June 28, 2021
Coronal Loops are Nice to Look At!
There are many filaments visible around the limb of the Sun. In the lower left, around 7:30, you can see what looks like a coronal cavity (a filament surrounded by a dark, more-or-less circular, region. Solar Cycle 25 is looking good!
Monday, June 21, 2021
SDO Stamps are on Sale!
The Summer Solstice (Northen Hemisphere) occurred at 11:32 pm ET yesterday (June 20, 2021). Celebrate the solstice with SDO Stamps. Send someone the Sun!
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Guidance System Calibrations Yesterday
My congratulations to the Flight Operations Team for completing an excellent set of calibration maneuvers!
Monday, June 7, 2021
A Week of Infrastructure Repairs!
On Tuesday, 8 June 2021, the fiber optics linking the SDO ground station and the SDO JSOC in Palo Alto, CA, will be disconnected and relocated. This work is scheduled to start at noon MT and to take about 2 hours but could last as long as 6 hours. During this time the AIA and HMI data will be unavailable. The automatic replay option will fill in the data once the repairs are complete.
The NASA building housing the SDO servers will undergo infrastructure maintenance 12-13 June 2021. This will require us to shutdown our servers over that weekend, which means the website and data will not be available. The servers will be powered down Friday evening (June 11, 5 pm ET) and powered up Monday morning (June 14).
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience these repairs may cause.