As we come up on the second anniversary of the SDO launch on February 11, 2010, it is nice to look at what is happening with SDO data. Steele Hill, media specialist for SDO, has developed a set of prints from SDO (and a few other satellites) called
The Sun as Art. You can see the images on the
SDO website. But you can also go see them at the Maryland Science Center in downtown Baltimore.

Last nite Steele attended an reception to honor members of the Science Center as well as the opening of
The Sun as Art exhibit. Here we see Steele and friend at that opening of
The Sun as Art exhibit in Baltimore. It was nice to see the images of the Sun hanging in a science-friendly place! After 3 months in Baltimore the exhibit will travel to other science museums.
NASA has just released a study of the Snowmageddon storm that caused such angst during the SDO launch. You can read the story on the
NASA Portal. The high winds caused a one-day delay in the launch and then the low temperatures allowed us to see the beautiful waves and disappearing sun dog on the 11th. But the Snowmageddon Team Launch stuck at Goddard got us into orbit and on our way to a great mission.
SDO is GO!