The October 2021 Instrument Calibration maneuvers have finished. During an instrument calibration maneuver SDO science data may be missing, blurry, or misaligned. The first two cannot be corrected but roll angle is no longer seen as a rotation of the solar image.
13 Oct 2021: EVE Cruciform, 1400–1852 UTC (10:00 am - 2:52 pm ET)
20 Oct 2021: HMI Roll Maneuver, 1400-2040 UTC (10:00 am - 4:40 pm ET)
27 Oct 2021: EVE FOV and HMI/AIA Flatfield Calibrations (EVE FOV @ 1315 UTC; HMI/AIA Flatfield @ 1630 UTC)
The next set of calibration maneuvers will be in January 2022 (EVE Cruciform, EVE FOV, and HMI/AIA Flatfield) and April 2022 (HMI Roll).