Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Today's Maneuver is the EVE Cruciform

SDO is executing the EVE Cruciform calibration maneuver today. Between 1100 and 1600 UTC (7:00 am--12 noon ET), science data and images may be blurry or absent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Today's Maneuver and Website Upgrade

Today between 1500 and 2200 UTC (11:00 am-6 pm ET) SDO will execute the HMI roll maneuver. During this maneuver science may be missing or blurry.

The SDO website upgrade will be happening today and tomorrow. There will be times when the website is unavailable while the new servers are brought on-line and services restarted.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Today's Maneuver

SDO is running the EVE Field of View and HMI/AIA Flatfield maneuvers today. During these maneuvers the science data may be blurry or absent.

New Features on Website

The SDO website ( has two new features. If you follow the "Sun Now" link to, you will see two new selections. One is the ability to access the various images through the "Data Links" menu under each image. Clicking on that link will show a menu of image size and other options.

The other is the ability to jump to earlier versions of the Sun Now page through the "Browse Daily Images" in the left column. You can enter a date and Jump to that day's images or Jump one day at a time.

These features were added due to feedback we received from users of the website.
